Registration of Marriages:
The Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of Smt. Seema Vs. Ashwani Kumar directed for compulsory registration of marriages solemnized in the respective state / union territories. Accordingly Delhi Government has issued directors an Order called The Delhi (Compulsory Registration of Marriage) Order, 2014 and shall extend to all marriages that solemnized in Delhi irrespective of caste, creed & religion. The parties to marriage shall apply jointly in the prescribed form for registration of their marriage with in a period of 60 days of their marriage and delay upto next 60 days can be condone by the Marriage officer. Penalty provisions also provided for non registration of marriage with in the prescribed time period.
The Commissioner of VAT has delegated his powers specified in Clause 3 of Section 68 of DVAT Rules, 2004 relating to an assessment made under the Act including as assessment under Section 33 of the Act to all officers appointed under sub Section (2) of Section 66 of the Act not below the rank of VATO subject to their territorial jurisdiction. To view and download the circular, please Click Here.