MCA has notified new versions of eForm’s INC – 1 (For availability of Name) Form INC – 21 (For Commencement of Business) & DIR – 3 (for Allotment of DIN) w.e.f 04-06-2015. Only new version of the eForm will be acceptable. Stakeholders are requested to plan accordingly and ensure that you have downloaded the latest version for filing and uploading the latest version only. Form-wise date of last version change is available at on the website of MCA.
CBDT has proposed to release New Form ITR 2A which can be filed by an Individual or HUF who does not have Capital Gains, Income from Business/Profession or Foreign Asset/Foreign Income. Further the main form will not contain more than 3 Pages, and other Information will be captured in the Schedules to be filled, if applicable. One of the welcome changes is now only Passport Number, would be required to be given in new forms and details of foreign trips or expenditure thereon are not required to be furnished in the forms. New forms are under preparation, they are likely to be available for e-filing by 3rd week of June 2015 and accordingly time limit for filing of Income Tax Returns is also proposed to be extended up to 31.08.2015.
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