SEBI has notified the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 which will be effective from 15-05-2015. With reference to the disclosures requirements of regulation 6 of the Regulations, SEBI has notified the Formats for Disclosures and such disclosures may be maintained by the company in physical / electronic mode. Further, with reference to the requirements of the regulation 8 (Code of Fair Disclosure) and regulation 9 (Code of Conduct) of the Regulations, the companies shall also ensure that Formulated and published (on its official website), code of practices and procedures for fair disclosure of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information (UPSI) and formulated code of conduct, is confirmed to the stock exchanges, immediately. The Stock exchanges are advised to put in place the adequate systems and issue the necessary guidelines for implementing the above decision and to make necessary amendments to the relevant bye-laws, rules and regulations as applicable for the implementation of the above decision immediately.
DGFT with an intention to sort out the pending issues and grievances and to make meetings with the officials more fruitful and result oriented, has prescribed visiting hours for non – officials / members of trade for meetings with the officials at DGFT HQ. It is now decided that visiting hours between 3 pm to 5 pm each working day would be earmarked for meetings with non officials / members of trade. It is felt that the aforesaid measures would help in saving the time of the visitor and this arrangement shall be in place only for meetings with officials working in DGFT HQ.
News from NIRC of ICSI
NIRC of ICSI is organizing one day Seminar on the theme “Arbitration in India – The Way Ahead….” on Saturday, the 16th May, 2015 at Hotel Le-Meridien (Soverign Hall), Janpath, New Delhi from 10 am onwards. Fees : Rs. 1,750/-, Free for Corporate Members. PCH – 6.