SEBI has issued next set of FAQ’s on SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. Through this set of FAQ an attempt has been made to clarify the points including preservation of documents, existing material related party contracts or arrangements, unlisted material subsidiary, Annual Report to contain Business Responsibility Report, transfer of securities, listed entity shall file audited annual results in 60 days from the end of the last quarter and Working days’ means working days of the stock exchange where the securities of the entity are listed. It has also be clarified that the requirement of submission of Annual Information Memorandum will become applicable as and when is specified by SEBI.
DGFT vide notification dated 12-03-2015 has mandated that only three documents would be required for exports and imports of goods from India and into India respectively. The departure from the 3 document norm is envisaged only in rare exceptional cases where a substantial legal requirement exists for doing so. It is further clarified that the same is applicable on all department concerned with Imports & Exports and shall not demand any additional documents without sufficient cause. Any deviations may be reported to DGFT through the respective trade bodies.
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