The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has constituted a High Level Committee for the monitoring of the provisions being properly implemented under Section 135 of the companies Act, 2013 and the rules made thereunder. The functions of the committee shall be to recommend suitable methodologies for monitoring compliance of the provisions of the Section 135 and to suggest measure & identify the strategies for implementation of the CSR provisions in an effective manner by the company. The committee shall also submit its report within six months from the date of holding its first meeting.
RBI has made the Change in investment conditions for FPI investments in Government Debt securities. Accordingly, SEBI has also amended the guidelines to allow FPIs to invest in Government securities, the coupons received on their investments in Government securities. Such investments shall be kept outside the applicable limit (currently USD 30 billion) for investments by FPIs in Government securities. For the purpose of investment of coupons, the FPIs shall have an investment period of 5 working days from the date of receipt of the coupon. A re-investment facility of 5 working days shall be provided on the Government securities that have been purchased by utilizing the coupons. All other existing conditions for investment by FPIs in the Government securities market remain unchanged for this additional facility as well.
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