To sort out the technical issues relating to contents and data in the Annual Filing Forms, MCA has revised the Versions of eForms AOC – 4 (Non-XBRL) (Form for filing financial statement and other documents with the Registrar ), MGT – 7 (Form for filing annual return by a company), INC – 29 (Integrated Incorporation Form) & MGT – 15 (Form for filing Report on Annual General Meeting) w.e.f 8th October, 2015. Only new version of the eForm will be acceptable. Stakeholders are requested to plan accordingly and ensure that you have downloaded the latest version for filing and uploading the latest version only. Form-wise date of last version change is available at on the website of MCA.
CBEC has clarified the position & treatment given to various services provided by Goods Transport Agencies and Service tax levy on services on such services. Goods Transport Agency (GTA) has been defined to mean any person who provides service to a person in relation to transport of goods by road and issues consignment note, by whatever name called. It is also clarified that transportation of goods by road by a GTA, in cases where GTA undertakes to reach/deliver the goods at destination within a stipulated time, should be considered as services of goods transport agency in relation to transportation of goods provided all the entire transportation of goods is by road and the GTA issues a consignment note, by whatever name called. Pending disputes on the above issues may accordingly be decided expeditiously.
News from NIRC of ICSI
1. Tomorrow, 9th October, 2015, NIRC of ICSI is organizing Study Session on the topic “Annual Filing Under Companies Act” at 5:30 PM at New Delhi YMCA Tourist Hostel Auditorium, Jai Singh Road, Connaught Place, New Delhi. Participation is FREE; Program Credit Hours – 2.
2. On Saturday, 10th October, 2015, at NIRC of ICSI is organising a "Master Class on SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015" From 10.45 AM onwards at ICSI-NIRC Building Auditorium, 4 Prasad Nagar Institutional Area, New Delhi. FREE: Rs. 300/- (including Corporate Members of NIRC-ICSI) & Program Credit Hours – 4.
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