Service Tax:
CBEC has amended Rule 5A(2) of Service Tax Rules, 1994, the pronouncement of Allahabad High Court has been followed principally through which every assessee, shall now required, on demand make available to the officer empowered or the Independent audit party deputed by the Commissioner or the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, or an independent accountant nominated under section 72A of the Finance Act, 1994. Furthermore, earlier limit of 15 days for production of specified documents has now been replaced with the time limit specified by the concerned audit party/CAG/ as the case may be.
DVAT Authorities have uploaded new application on the DVAT Server for the benefit of stakeholders. New facility includes, List of Compositor Dealers, Enrollment of VAT Practitioner (for Vat Practitioner applicants), Updation of Annexure’2A for downloading of Statutory Forms for the, year 2012-13, Filing of DVAT 21 for dealer, Online Amendment for Dealer and department among other features. Further the department has improvised the online amendment module, whereby all the amendment except amendment regarding the change of constitution, authorized signatory and principal place of business premises have ‘been made as auto-amendment.
ICSI Elections to elect the Central and Regional levels are scheduled to be held on Friday and Saturday, the 12th & 13th December, 2014 at Delhi/New Delhi and on Friday, the 12th December, 2014 at all other place. The elections to the Council and Regional Councils shall be held in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means of a single transferable vote. All members are requested to cast their votes at the allocated centers on the above mentioned dates. To know about your voting details, voters serial no., allocated polling booth, please write back to us with your name and membership no.
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