MCA has revised the versions of eforms – Form MGT – 7 (Form for filing annual return by a company), Form GNL-2 (Form for submission of documents with the Registrar.) and Form IEPF-5 (Application to the Authority for claiming unpaid amounts and shares out of Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF)). The revised forms will be available on the portal on the portal w.e.f 9th February, 2017 of MCA. Stakeholders are advised to download the latest version before filing. Form- wise date of last version change is available at on the website of MCA.
RBI has issued Removal of limits on withdrawal of cash from Saving Bank Accounts. In line with the pace of remonetisation, it has now been decided to remove the restrictions on cash withdrawals from Saving Bank accounts (including accounts opened under PMJDY) in a two-step process. Effective February 20, 2017, the limits on cash withdrawals from the Savings Bank accounts will be enhanced to Rs. 50,000 per week (from the current limit of Rs. 24,000 per week); and Effective March 13, 2017, there will be no limits on cash withdrawals from Savings Bank accounts.
News from NIRC of ICSI
NIRC of ICSI is organising an one day Seminar on the theme "Corporate Restructuring –Role of Company Secretary Under New Regime" on Saturday, the 11th February, 2017 from 10.00 AM onwards at Hotel Le-Meridien, Janpath, New Delhi. In order to make necessary arrangements, members are required to enroll well in advance with NIRC. Fee : Rs. 2,250/- & free for the Corporate Members of NIRC. Online Payment/ Registration can be made through PAYTM. PCH – 4.
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