SEBI has issued Circular to announce Online Registration Mechanism for Custodian of Securities. It has now been decided to operationalize SEBI Intermediary Portal for the applicants to submit the applications for registration as a Custodian of Securities under the provisions of SEBI (Custodian of Securities) Regulations, 1996 (hereinafter referred to as ‘Custodian Regulations’) online. All applicants desirous of seeking registration as a Custodian of Securities are now required to submit their applications online only, through SEBI Intermediary Portal. The Custodian of Securities seeking approval as Designated Depository Participant (DDP) in terms of Regulation 11 of SEBI (FPI) Regulations, 2014 shall also apply through this portal. The aforesaid online registration system for Custodians of Securities and approval as DDP has been made operational with immediate effect.
SEBI vide its letter has forwarded a list of 331 shell companies as identified by Ministry of Corporate Affairs and has directed the Exchanges to identify the companies listed on their trading platform and initiate measures. Trading in all such listed securities shall be placed in Stage VI of the Graded Surveillance Measure (GSM) with immediate effect. If any listed company out of the said list is already identified under any stage of GSM, it shall also be moved to GSM stage VI directly. Under the stage VI of GSM framework, trading in these identified securities shall be permitted only once a month under trade to trade category. Further, any upward price movement in these securities shall not be permitted beyond the last traded price and additional surveillance deposit of 200 % of trade value shall be collected from the Buyers which shall be retained with Exchanges for a period for five months. The shares held by the promoters and directors in such listed companies shall be allowed to be transferred by depositories only upon verification by concerned exchanges and they shall not be allowed to transact in the security except to buy securities in the said listed company until verification of credential / fundamental by Exchanges is completed. Exchanges shall initiate a process of verifying the credentials / fundamentals of such companies. Exchanges shall appoint an independent auditor to conduct audit of such listed companies and if necessary, even conduct forensic audit of these companies to verify its credentials/fundamentals. On verification, if Exchanges do not find appropriate credentials / fundamentals about existence of the company, Exchanges shall initiate the proceeding for compulsory delisting against the company, and the said company shall not be permitted to deal in any security on exchange platform and its holding in any depository account shall be frozen till such delisting process is completed.
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