DVAT Authorities have extended the last date of filing of online/hard copy of second quarter return for the year 2014-15, in Form DVAT-16 ,DVAT-17 and DVAT-48 along with required annexures/enclosures to 17/11/2014. However, the tax due shall continue to be paid in the usual manner as per the provisions of section 3(4) of the Delhi Value Added Tax Act, 2004. Further, the dealers filing the returns through digital signature need not be required to file hard copy of the return/Form DVAT-56.
All stakeholders are advised to file all necessary Annual Filing documents (Form 66, Form 23AC, Form 23ACA & Form 23B) under the CLSS – 2014 at the earliest, as very few days are left for the closure of the scheme. You may avail the maximum benefit of this scheme and file the pending annual documents with respect to the companies early without postponing it to the last days and to avoid last minute rush and system congestion in the MCA-21 portal on account of filings under the CLSS, 2014 ending on 15.11.2014.
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