Corporate Updates – 13-03-2015

Secretarial Audit – ICSI:

ICSI has issued draft Guidelines for Issuing Secretarial Audit Report, Signing and Certification of Annual Return by Practising Company Secretaries, which may be effective from 01-04-2015. According to the draft guidelines, a member of the Institute in practice can issue Secretarial Audit Report pursuant to Section 204 of the Companies Act, 2013 to maximum 5 companies and can also sign / certify an Annual Return pursuant to Section 92 of the Companies Act, 2013 for maximum of 80 companies in aggregate, in a financial year. Members are requested to send their views / suggestions on the draft guidelines, to the ICSI latest by March 16, 2015.

Guidelines for Use of Individual Logo – ICSI:

ICSI has issued draft Guidelines for Use of Individual Logo by Company Secretaries in Practice. A logo is something very specific that one can se. It’s a mark, something graphic / visual. It is the face of the business. It’s like a small “ad” that can be put at various places to market the business. It can be used on business cards, websites, power point presentations, apparel, letterheads, stickers and more. Members are requested to send their views / suggestions on the draft guidelines, to the ICSI latest by March 16, 2015.

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