In order to facilitate better reach of investors and intermediaries to SEBI, it was decided to open Local Offices in major cities of the country, SEBI, inaugurated its Local Office at Lucknow. The jurisdiction of the Local Office at Lucknow extends to the State of Uttar Pradesh and shall be under the administrative control and jurisdiction of SEBI’s Regional Office at New Delhi. The functions of the Lucknow Local Office includes facilitating the redressal of investor grievances against listed companies and market intermediaries, spread investor education and financial literacy, processing the applications for Investment Advisors within its jurisdiction and such other functions as may be delegated from time to time to the Local Offices.
CBDT Under the provisions of the Section 268A of the Income-Tax Act, 1961 revises monetary limits for filing Appeals & Revisions by the Income Tax Department with Appellate Tribunals, High Courts & Supreme Court with an intention to issues measures to reduce litigation. it has been decided by the Board that departmental appeals may be filed on merits before Appellate Tribunal, High Courts and Supreme Court keeping in view the monetary limits and appeals shall not be filed in cases where the tax effect does not exceed the prescribed monetary limits.
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