ICSI – Secretarial Standards:
Institute of Company Secretaries of India has invited ssb with a cc to ccgrt.ssb latest by Friday, February 26, 2016.
DGFT has clarified that the IEC applications in manual mode will only be accepted till 31.3.2016, henceforth applicants seeking IEC through manual mode are required to submit their application in the format recently notified along with signatory applicant’s photograph and only the two documents. RA’s must also ensure that IEC’s are issued only as per the check list and pending manual applications will not be rejected for being filed under the old norms. If fit for acceptance as per the norms prevailing when filed, these applications will be processed and accepted expeditiously. If they are found to be deficient under these old norms, RAs will consider and process them under the above new simplified arrangement and pass them if they meet the new requirements. If these pending applications are not eligible even under the new simplified norms, RAs will give applicants an opportunity to provide additional documents / information as per the new simplified arrangement and process the applications expeditiously on satisfactory compliance. Further, as regards modification in IEC, applicant is required to upload documents corresponding to the modification required in their IEC.
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