SEBI issued a Circular directing all commodity derivatives exchanges to conduct annual system audit of their trading members and monitor the same. SEBI said that the framework of system audit for trading members should cover audit process, selection norms for auditor and terms of reference for brokers. It further prescribed stock broker system audit framework and mandated commodity exchanges to ensure conduct of system audit of its members as per the prescribed framework and monitor the same. The circular would come into force from financial year 2016-17 onwards. SEBI clarified that for the F.Y. 2015-16, the brokers / trading members who have commenced their annual system audit, may follow existing annual system audit framework prescribed by exchanges, if any. However, stock brokers/ trading members who are yet to commence annual system audit should carry out their system audit as per the prescribed framework.
SEBI has launched electronic mode for payment of penalties, disgorgement as well as settlement amounts. SEBI has advised all payees to forward the details and confirmation of the payments so made, to the concerned dealing department of SEBI for their records. It has introduced such option to ease the payment of penalties, disgorgement amounts, settlement amounts, legal charges and recovery amounts as currently, SEBI accepts payments only through Demand Drafts.
News from NIRC of ICSI
NIRC of ICSI is organising a full day Seminar on the theme "Delegated Legislation : Changes & Impact" (Recent Amendment to Rules Under Companies Act, 2013 & NCLT & NCLAT Rules, 2016) on Saturday, the 20th August, 2016 from 9.30 AM onwards at Hotel Eros Continental (Royal Ball Room), Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019. Free for Corporate Members of NIRC; for other Rs. Rs.1750/-; PCH – 4.
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