MCA has revised the Versions of Annual Filing Forms, MGT – 7 (Form for filing annual return by a company) w.e.f 17th November, 2015. Only new version of the eForm will be acceptable. Stakeholders are requested to plan accordingly and ensure that you have downloaded the latest version for filing and uploading the latest version only. Form-wise date of last version change is available at on the website of MCA. Further, to avoid last minute rush and system congestion on the MCA21 portal on account of Annual Filings in November 2015, Companies / members are requested to file their Annual Return & Financial Statement early without postponing it to the last days.
DVAT Authorities have extended the last date of filing of online / hard copy of return for second quarter ended on 30-09-2015 for the financial year 2015-16, in Form DVAT-16, DVAT-17 and DVAT-48 along with required annexure / enclosures from 20/11/2015. The last date has been extended to provide an opportunity to all stakeholders to file their returns. However, the tax due shall continue to be paid in the usual manner as per the provisions of section 3(4) of the Delhi Value Added Tax Act, 2004. Further, the dealers filing the returns through digital signature need not be required to file hard copy of the return / Form DVAT-56.
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