Reserve Bank of India, being satisfied that it is necessary and expedient in the public interest, hereby directs that within three months from the date of this directive, All Credit Institutions (CIs) shall become members of all CICs and submit data (including historical data) to them. Further, CICs and CIs shall keep the credit information collected/maintained by them, updated regularly on a monthly basis or at such shorter intervals as may be mutually agreed upon between the CI and the CIC in terms of Regulation 10 (a) (i) and (ii) of the Credit Information Companies Regulations, 2006.
SEBI has released Discussion Paper on “Revisiting the capital raising process” to address concerns of various market participants especially the issuers and the investing community, the regulations governing the primary market have been amended from time to time. Such a timely review intends to facilitate capital raising by industry while ensuring adequate investor protection. SEBI has been examining how to further facilitate capital raising by existing listed companies through FPO/Rights issue so as to provide retail investors the opportunity to participate in subsequent offerings and enable issuers to raise capital in the shortest possible time span.
News from ICSI
1. CS Atul Mehta, from Western Region has been elected as PRESIDENT and CS Mamta Binnai, from Eastern Region has been elected as the VICE – PRESIDENT of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) for the year 2015 w.e.f 19-01-2015. We place our hearty congratulations to the new President and Vice President and wish them a year full of activities & professional development in ICSI.
2. Following Office Bearers have been elected from NIRC of ICSI for the year 2015 w.e.f 19-01-2015 :
CS NPS Chawla Chairman
CS Manish Gupta Vice Chairman
CS Dhananjay Shukla Secretary
CS Pradeep Debnath Treasurer
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