SEBI has issued detailed guidelines for public issue of units of REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts). The guidelines prescribe the appointment of merchant banker to carry out the obligations relating to the issue and filing of offer document. The draft offer document shall be filed with the Board and the designated stock exchanges in accordance with REIT Regulations. The Lead merchant Banker shall submit a due diligence certificate to the board as per Form A and Form B of Annexure I.
MCA has notified that the Existing INC-2 (One Person Company- Application for Incorporation) and INC-7 (Application for Incorporation of Company (Other than OPC)) eforms are likely to be withdrawn from the MCA portal shortly. Only SPICe forms(Simplified Proforma for Incorporating a Company electronically) viz. SPICe (INC-32), SPICe eMoA (INC-33) and SPICe eAoA (INC-34) are applicable for incorporation of all companies including Section 8 Companies (except Part I companies). A revised version of INC-7 shall be made available after a few days which shall be applicable only for Part I companies. The effective date of these changes will be published on the MCA portal. All the stake holders are advised to check the latest version of the form before filing.
News from NIRC of ICSI
NIRC – ICSI announces niro and also through signed hard copy addressed to The Chairman, NIRC of ICSI, ICSI-NIRC Building, Plot No.4, Prasad Nagar Institutional Area, Near Rajendra Place, New Delhi – 110005). Three best entries shall be awarded with a Citation, Trophy, Cash Prize & Publications.
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