Corporate Updates 21 July 2014


Version of the e-Form MGT-14 has been revised w.e.f today the 21st July, 2014. The version of MGT – 14 is changed to give effect to the MCA’s circular through which said form will be processed and taken on record using the Straight Through Process (STP) mode. All E-Form MGT – 14 except for change of name, change of object, resolution for further issue of capital and conversion of companies will be processed and taken on record using the Straight Through Process (STP) mode. Only new version of these eForms will be acceptable, stakeholders are requested to plan accordingly and ensure that you have downloaded the latest version for filing and uploading the latest version only.


RBI has decided to introduce a uniform State and District code list for reporting of details of Foreign Direct Investment by Indian companies in Form FCGPR & FCTRS. Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India has, vide Press Note 4 (2014 Series) dated June 26, 2014 decided to switch over to the National Industrial Classification 2008 (NIC 2008) from the NIC 1987 version, for the purpose of classification of activities under the industrial classification system. Indian companies are required to report the NIC Codes in the FCGPR and FCTRS forms as per the NIC 2008 version, henceforth. To download & view the list, please Click Here.

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