Registration open for Practicing Company Secretaries who have obtained Certificate of Practice in last 2 years and Company Secretaries who intend to obtain the Certificate of Practice for TWO DAYS PCS INDUCTION PROGRAM (PIP) being organised by NIRC of ICSI on 3rd & 4th January, 2017 (Tuesday & Wednesday) at 9.30 AM onwards at ICSI-NIRC Building, 4, Prasad Nagar Institutional Area, New Delhi to support & build the capacities of young entrants into practice. Fee: Rs. 500/- per delegate inclusive of Service Tax: PCH : 08. Online Registration facility available.
RBI has notified to withdraw the provisions of the earlier circular issued on 19-12-2016 relating to deposit of more than Rs. 5,000/- only once in remaining days till 30-12-2016. The Withdrawal of Legal Tender Character of existing ₹ 500/- and ₹ 1000/- Bank Notes (Specified Bank Notes) at sub para (i) and (ii) will not apply to fully KYC compliant accounts. Therefore, No questions will now be asked for deposit above Rs. 5,000 for fully compliant KYC accounts.
SEBI with an intend to streamline the System-driven Disclosures in Securities Market, has now decided that the depositories shall provide the transaction data of promoters/promoter group on a daily basis directly to the stock exchanges for dissemination of the necessary disclosures. Earlier, as per the SEBI circular dated December 01, 2015 the Depositories provide daily trade data of the promoters/promoter group to the Registrar and Share Transfer Agents (RTAs) and the RTAs provide the necessary information to the stock exchanges for dissemination of disclosures to the public in terms of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 and SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015. Other requirements of SEBI circular dated December 01, 2015 on the same subject will remain in force.
News from NIRC of ICSI
NIRC – ICSI announces niro and also through signed hard copy addressed to The Chairman, NIRC of ICSI, ICSI-NIRC Building, Plot No.4, Prasad Nagar Institutional Area, Near Rajendra Place, New Delhi – 110005). Three best entries shall be awarded with a Citation, Trophy, Cash Prize & Publications.
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