MCA has notified new versions of eForm’s INC – 1 (Application for Reservation of Name), INC – 4 (One Person Company- Change in Member/Nominee), INC – 29 (Form for Integrated Incorporation) & Form 4 LLP (Notice of appointment, cessation, change in name/ address / designation of a designated partner or partner. and consent to become a partner / designated partner) w.e.f 24-06-2015. Only new version of the eForm will be acceptable. Stakeholders are requested to plan accordingly and ensure that you have downloaded the latest version for filing and uploading the latest version only. Form-wise date of last version change is available at on the website of MCA.
With an intent to ensure more accuracy in reporting and to bring Indian Capital Market’s reporting systems at par with International standards, BSE has introduced a concept of XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) based reporting for filing of Shareholding Patterns under Clause 35 of the Equity Listing Agreement (Clause 37 of the SME Listing Agreement) with immediate effect. From the current quarter onwards (i.e. quarter ending on June 30, 2015), all the Listed Companies are required to report their Shareholding Patterns to BSE in XBRL form. Further, to smoothen the implementation process of reporting, BSE is providing a free Excel Utility to the companies listed on BSE. Introduction of XBRL will not only ensure accuracy of filings but will also broaden the horizons of monitoring of regulatory compliances in an efficient manner.
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