SEBI has issued Circular on detailed requirements and guidelines for disclosure of financial information in offer document/ placement memorandum for InvITs i.e. disclosures for financial information of the InvIT as well as the Investment Manager and the Sponsor. It may be noted that Regulation 15(3), read with Schedule III, and Regulation 15(4) of the SEBI (Infrastructure Investment Trusts) Regulations, 2014 prescribe disclosures to be made in an offer document and placement memorandum respectively.
RBI has issued a Circular allowing 100% foreign investment through the automatic route to the regulated financial services companies other than banks or insurance companies which includes activities that are regulated by any financial sector regulator such as the RBI, Securities & Exchange Board of India (Sebi) and Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority. RBI stated that in financial services activities which are no not regulated or partly regulated or where there is lack of clarity regarding regulatory oversight, foreign investment will be allowed up to 100% under the government approval route.
News from NIRC of ICSI
Registration open for Regional PCS Conference of NIRC of ICSI on the theme "PCS – EMPOWER, EMERGE & EXCEL” to be held on November 05-06, 2016 from 10.00 AM Onwards (Saturday& Sunday) at Hotel Amar, Taj Ganj, Agra (UP). Fees : Rs. 2,250/- per delegate; Rs. 1,500/- for Corporate Members of NIRC and Free for Corporate Members of NIRC (Delhi & Chapters); Program Credit Hour: 8. Limited accommodation available; For Online Registration, Click here.
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