RBI with an intent to Streamlining flow of credit to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) for facilitating timely and adequate credit flow during their ‘Life Cycle’ has advised the Banks to put in place Board approved policy on lending to MSEs, adopting an appropriate system of timely and adequate credit delivery to borrowers in the MSE segment within the broad prudential regulations of Reserve Bank of India. Micro and small units are more prone to facing financial difficulties during their Life Cycle than large enterprises / corporates when the business conditions turn adverse. Absence of timely support at such a juncture could lead to the unit turning sick and many a time irreversibly. As such, role of banks in providing continuous support to viable MSEs during such phases of transient financial difficulties assumes significance. Banks are further, advised to ensure that their lending policies for MSEs are streamlined and made flexible in order to empower the officials concerned to take quick decisions on credit delivery to MSEs.
MCA has released the final rules of National Company Law Tribunal service condition Rules of President and Members and Rules for National Company Law Appellate Tribunal service condition Rules of Chairperson and Members which will be called as the National Company Law Tribunal (Salary, Allowances and other Terms and Conditions of Service of President and other Members) Rules, 2015 and the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (Salaries, Allowances and other Terms and Conditions of Service of Chairperson and other Members) Rules, 2015 respectively. These rules shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
Annual Membership Fees of ICSI
The Annual Membership and Certificate of Practice fee for the year 2015-16 becomes due for payment w.e.f. 1st April, 2015 and last date for payment of the same is 31st August, 2015. Members are requested to pay the fee before the last date. The Certificate of Practice fee must be accompanied by an application for renewal of Certificate of Practice in the revised Form-D duly completed in all respects and signed for renewal of Certificate of practice for the year 2015-16. The annual membership fee for ACS : Rs. 1,125/-, for FCS : Rs. 1,500/- and certificate of practice fee is Rs. 1,000/-. Fees can be paid by cash / cheque / DD in favour of “The Institute of Company Secretaries of India” or Fees can be paid online after login.
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