SEBI with intent to safeguard the interest of the investors has issued a Caution to Investors while investing in non convertible debentures / non convertible preference shares of the companies offered through private placement. Under Companies Act, 2013,“Private Placement” shall be made only to such persons whose names are recorded by the company prior to the invitation to subscribe. Further, in case of private placements, the company shall not release any public advertisements or utilise any media, marketing or distribution channels or agents to inform the public at large about such an offer. Further, such offer or invitation shall not be made to more than 200 persons in the aggregate in a financial year. Investors are also cautioned not to subscribe to issues which have not complied with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013. Investors are advised to see whether any such entity has filed offer document or filed application with Stock Exchange for listing before investing.
Revenue Department – Delhi:
Delhi Government has vide its Order, decided that all Sub-Registrar offices shall with immediate effect, accept documents for Registration upto 2 pm (earlier upto 3 PM) from Monday to Friday instead of Monday to Saturday. Further the office of the Sub-Registrar shall remain open for disposing of the pending work, with no public dealing.
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