Annual Membership Fees of ICSI (Last Day)
The Annual Membership and Certificate of Practice fee for the year 2017-18 becomes due for payment w.e.f. 1st April, 2017 and extended last date for payment of the same is 31st August, 2017. Members are requested to pay the fee before the last date. The Certificate of Practice fee must be accompanied by an application for renewal of Certificate of Practice in the revised Form-D duly completed in all respects and signed for renewal of Certificate of practice for the year 2017-18. The annual membership fee for ACS : Rs. 1,500/- (admitted on or after 01.04.2015)and Rs. 2,500/- for others, for FCS : Rs. 3,000/- and certificate of practice fee is Rs. 1,500/- (admitted on or after 01.04.2015) and Rs. 2,000/- for others. Fees can be paid by cash / cheque / DD in favour of “The Institute of Company Secretaries of India” or Fees can be paid be paid online after login. GST@18% to be levied over and above the prescribed fee of Membership & COP Renewal fee w.e.f 01-07-2017.
ICSI – Secretarial Standards
Secretarial Standards on Meetings of the Board of Directors (SS -1) and General Meetings (SS – 2) have now been revised by ICSI and the same have been approved by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) on 14th June, 2017. The revised SS-1 and SS-2 shall be applicable to all the companies (except the exempted class of companies) w.e.f. 1st October, 2017 and accordingly all Board Meetings (including meetings of committees of Board) and General Meetings in respect of which Notices are issued on or after 1st October, 2017 need to comply with the revised SS-1 and SS-2. The existing SS-1 and SS-2 will be applicable to the Board Meetings and General Meetings held on or before 30th September, 2017. Revisions in Secretarial Standards (SS-1 & SS-2) have been made considering Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015 and amendments to the Rules notified by MCA, Exemption Notification(s) issued by MCA dated 5th June 2015, Feedback received from members on practical difficulties that emerged during the first time implementation of Secretarial Standards. ICSI has also come out with the FAQ’s on Revised Secretarial Standards.
The Indian Telegraph Act, 1885
The Central Government, has notified the rules to prevent the tampering of Mobile Device Equipment Identification Number which may be called as the prevention of tampering of the Mobile Device Equipment Identification Number, Rules, 2017 and shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette. The ‘Mobile Device Equipment Identification Number’ means an unique international mobile equipment identity number (IMEI) or electronic serial number (ESN) or any other number or signal – that identifies a unique mobile wireless communication device or for the purposes has the same function and purposes as specified above. Further, It shall be unlawful, if a person, except the manufacturer intentionally removes, obliterates, change, or alter unique Mobile Device Equipment Identification Number or intentionally use, produce, traffic in, have control or custody of, or possess hardware or software, knowing it has been configured as specified above.
News from NIRC of ICSI
Today, NIRC of ICSI is organising an One Day Seminar on Contemporary Issues Under Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code (IBC) on 31st August, 2017, from 9.00 AM onwards, at Hotel Holiday Inn, 13A, Mayur Vihar, District Centre, Delhi 11 00 91 (Near New Ashok Nagar Metro Station). Fee: Rs.1600/- per delegate inclusive of GST; FREE for Corporate Members of NIRC. The fee may also be paid through Paytm. Credit Hour:04
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